Yea verily, and the God of Rhythm heard the pleas of the people, and forsooth he bestowed upon them monster drummer Simon King and animal bass-masher Ian "Lemmy" Kilminster, and it was damn good and the people rejoiced.
This is the first masterwork of BLANGA, the place where it all comes together on top of King and Lemmy's bottom from hell.
"Space is Deep" takes "Hurry on Sundown's" acoustonoodlings up seven phyla on the food chain with a mighty BLANGA wrap-up of squiggly synths on twelve-string drone and Lemmystorm.
"Lords of Light" and "Time We Left This World Today" are HEAVY, man, HEAVY!! And most frightening, there's a soft, but menacing, ditty wrapping up the thing -- Lemmy's "The Watcher."
Simply horrifying, simply wonderful.